On July 2, 2019, at 3.30 pm, in Rome, at the Terrazza Associazione Civita, there will be a conference organized by Confapi Roma, the Association of small and medium-sized companies, which will focus on the EPA: the Economic Partnership Agreement negotiated between EU and Japan.
The meeting will include the participation, as a speaker, of the lawyer Sara Armella and the presence of the Ambassador of Japan, the Ministry of Economic Development and the Director of the Customs Agency.
The conference aims to illustrate the prerogatives of the EPA Agreement which, due to the reduction and elimination of customs tariffs, can make Italian companies more competitive in trade to Japan.
The meeting will allow to deepen a theme that constitutes an opportunity for all companies.
For more information, write to: internazionalizzazione@confapiroma.it, segreteria@confapiroma.it
di Elisabetta Zepponi